Thursday, March 18, 2010

just a quick note..

hey guys sorry i have not writen its been pretty busy. we just got back from dublin where we were working at a leadership conference.. serving food and such. it was really a good time of amaazing worship and teachings.. we evern got a big of free time to seee the city.. it really is a beautiful city. and you dont have be afraid of saying yoru in ireland and gettin gbeat up.. what i mean by this is.. in belfast the city where i am living.. we live on a road that firmly believes that we are in britian.a nd ify ou say you are in irealnd you will be in a lot of trouble.. the road next to us is separted by a phyical wall.. that is probably i dunno maybe 30 ft tall and the gates to the other street are only onpen during the day.. but the other side is called the falls road and they are catholic people and beleive we are in ireland so if you sya you live on the shankill.. the road i live on.. you will be in trouble so you really ahve to watch out for where you are or you could be in trouble.. but over all its been good livign here. really wierd to see a city so separeted and mostly by religion.. they always ask you if you are catholic or protistant.. its weird.. and when we try and talk to the peopel about jesus they say .. " we are tired of hearing about jesus.. he is the only thing people talk about over here and look where that has gotten us.."..its really hard to reach out the people when its religion that is deviding this city its pretty crazy the division between the two sides.. i work with a kids club during the week and we reach out to the kids in the univeristy area. try and keep them off the streets and out of trouble cause they live in a pretty crappy area.. this country really needs help. and there is an election coming up so things are starting to get out of hand again.. they think that the troubles might be starting up again.. .
st patricks day was crazy. we went with a church and handed out free burgers in the university area to try and encourage the family atmosphere but people had been out drinking at 8 in the mormning and said they woudl be out until 8 the next mornign.. last year there was riots and really big racisit acts going on.. they would storm the romanian houses and chased them out .. its really crazy cause you just dont think things liek that still happen. but they do.. anyways it was quite the expirience being here on st pattircks day the crazy thing is only half the city.. if that.. celebrate it or even acknowlege its a holiday..most of the city .. especially the street i am on.. just ignore it and definately dont recognize it as a holiday. crazy going from one extreem to the next one street apart. anywyays i dont have much time left on the comupter so ireally should go. ill try and update more..